
Licensed in California, after having passed the bar in three other states, I have been helping consumers find debt relief through bankruptcy for years. I received my undergraduate degree from an ivy league college, Columbia University in New York City. I graduated with a Law Degree from the Baylor School of Law in Texas, an institution accredited by the American Bar Association (recognition not afforded to all law schools).

If you've been struggling with debt, you don't need a lecture. I am not here to judge, I'm here to help. As a member of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA), I am committed to helping you get the fresh start you deserve.

To learn more about my background and accomplishments in the practice area of consumer bankruptcy, click below to view my attorney profile.

Free Initial Consultation — 707-658-4602

Let me guide you toward your goal of becoming debt free. To set up your free initial consultation, contact me via e-mail today. The Law Office of Andrew Kern is conveniently located near Highway 101 in Petaluma.

I am a debt relief lawyer. I help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.